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contoh kalimat face mill

"face mill" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • High Quality Face Mill Cutter Hanging Pole
    Kualitas Tinggi Wajah Mill Cutter Hanging Pole
  • China Right Angle Shoulder Face Mills,Angle Shoulder Face Mills,90 Degree Face Mills,BT40 Round Dowel Face Mill Exporters
    Cina Kanan Angle Bahu Wajah Mills, Angle Shoulder Face Mills, 90 Gelar Wajah Mills, BT40 Round Dowel Face Mill Eksportir
  • Face mill and all types of tool holding components manufactured by Ann Way feature high mechanical stability and accuracy. Our machine tool components are built to last and covered by Ann Way's excellent after sale service for all our clients.
    Gilingan muka dan segala jenis komponen peralatan pemegang buatan Ann Way menampilkan kestabilan dan akurasi mekanis. Komponen peralatan mesin kami dirancang agar tahan lama dan dengan layanan pasca penjualan sempurna untuk para pelanggan.